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Dr Alex George

Dr Alex George's Growth Story

Presenter, author, YouTuber and HNS doctor, Dr Alex George is well known for his work advocating for mental health and wellbeing.  In 2021, he was appointed as the government's first UK Youth Mental Health Ambassador.

For Children's Mental Health Week 2022, Dr Alex has shared his Growth Story with us.


After watching Dr Alex’s Growth Story, you may want to have a discussion as a class about your own growth. Here are a few suggested discussion points and questions:

  • Dr Alex didn’t get into university first time round, and he had to reapply one year later. How would you feel if this happened to you? What would you do?
  • Dr Alex described the importance of his support network – his family, friends, his puppy... Who is in your support network? How do they help you?
  • ‘Regret will always haunt you more than failure.’ Is there anything you didn’t try when you were younger, that you wish you had? What advice would you give to your younger self, now?


Yes. We are proud to employ over 400 counsellors, therapists, and clinically trained staff – making us one of the largest UK employers of mental health professionals outside of the NHS.

Both. Our frontline staff in schools deliver a range of mental health services including one-to-one counselling, group work, whole class work, as well as support sessions for parents, carers and school staff.

In some cases, our qualified staff also supervise counsellors on placement who commit their time in order to gain clinical experience working with children and young people, often as a requirement of their training. This is in line with the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) standards. The placement is in a school, for one day per week during term time. 

No. Place2Be is a charity and does not make any profit. Schools pay a contribution towards our services, and we rely on voluntary income to make up the shortfall so that we can keep the costs for schools as low as possible. We also incur the costs associated with providing extensive training and free supervision, provided by highly qualified clinicians as part of our placements.

In addition to all the onsite mental health support provided by our school-based staff, our partner schools also benefit from a range of extra services, including access to our specialist safeguarding team and educational psychologists, training and CPD opportunities. All this support is provided by employees of Place2Be.

Our audited accounts are publicly available on our website: Download 2021 accounts (1.3 MB)