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Schools and youth groups

Two children raise their hands to answer a question whilst a teacher sits between them and smiles.

Join the hundreds of schools taking part in Children’s Mental Health Week this year. Download our schools pack and get involved - we'd love to have you join us this week!

This week, we're focusing on our theme Know Yourself, Grow Yourself, with the aim to encourage children and young people across the UK to embrace self-awareness and explore what it means to them.

We've created lots of resources and activities for your school to use throughout the week all around the theme. Download your copies and start planning your activities to do this week!

This year we're partnering with Here4You, supported by The Walt Disney Company and the Inside Out 2 characters to explore our theme Know Yourself, Grow Yourself.

We're partnering with Here4You, supported by The Walt Disney Company!

Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week 2025 is joining forces with Here4You to explore the importance of self-awareness and expressing emotions.

Here4You is supported by The Walt Disney Company, and through the characters of Pixar’s Inside Out and Inside Out 2, the resources encourage children and young people across the UK to discover how getting to know who they are can help them build resilience, grow and develop.

Throughout our resources and website, you might spot some of your favourite Inside Out 2 characters, helping us explore our theme of Know Yourself, Grow Yourself.

Inside Out 2 characters Disgust and Envy taking part in Place2Be's Children's Mental Health Week

Download your copy of our official schools pack, full of top tips. class activities and assembly plans for your school to take part in for Children's Mental Health Week!

pdf File Size (4.47 MB)
Download our schools pack (4.5mb)

Has your school held a fundraiser? You can pay in your fundraising to Place2Be! Thank you so much for your support this Children's Mental Health Week.

Pay in your fundraising

A new video mini-series created by BAFTA ahead of Children’s Mental Health Week 2025 explores the importance of self-awareness for wellbeing.

Watch our BAFTA mini-series

Our other resources for schools

We've created assembly slides for your school to use during Children's Mental Health Week, all surrounding our theme of Know Yourself, Grow Yourself.

Take a look at the assembly slides we've developed for primary schools, secondary / high schools for pupils aged 11-14, and secondary / high schools for pupils aged 14+.

Use these slides alongside our notes in the slides to deliver an assembly or class session.

Download our primary assembly slides (6.3mb)

Use these slides alongside our notes in the slides to deliver an assembly or class session

Download our secondary assembly slides (9mb)

Use these slides alongside our notes in the slides to deliver an assembly or class session

Download our secondary assembly slides (5.6mb)

How can my school or youth group get involved?

Download resources

Take a look at all our free resources available for you to download to take part in the week!

Our resources

Take part in the week and fundraise for children's mental health! We've got lots of fundraising resources to help you get involved.

Add yourself to our map!

Let us know how you're taking part in Children's Mental Health Week by adding yourself to the map.

See the schools and organisations who are taking part!

Our map below shows all the incredible people who are taking part in Place2Be's Children's Mental Health Week 2025.

Search by postcode or school name to see who took part near you.

Can't see your school or organisation on the map?

If you're taking part, we'd love to hear about it!

Add yourself to our map

children supporting the week

schools supporting the week

adults supporting the week

adults supporting the week

children supported

schools took part

supported adults

supported adults

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Illustrated turquoise icon of a map location pin

We’d love for you to add your school or organisation to our map!

You can see who else is taking part in Children’s Mental Health Week across the UK. 

However you’re planning on taking part in giving a voice to children and young people, we’d love to hear it.

Add yourself to the map

What do Place2Be offer in schools?

We offer the opportunity to become a Place2Be partner school. Our partner schools get a range of mental health support services, including in-school support, expert training and resources.

Learn about our services in schools

Our free and online award-winning mental health training will provide a deeper understanding of mental health for trainee teachers, teachers and school staff.

Get free mental health training

Place2Be's Art Room team create art projects to support and enhance children and young people’s wellbeing.

Learn more about the Art Room
Illustrated turquoise icon of a hand holding a phone with an email or message notification

Join the conversation on social media

Your school or youth group can get involved on social media during the week. Be sure to follow us to get stay up-to-date with the week and use our hashtag to share your plans! You can find us on:

Latest news and blogs

Parliament Event Thumbnail
Politicians come together to show their support for Children’s Mental Health Week

On Wednesday 5 February, in collaboration with the Schools Wellbeing Partnership, Place2Be hosted an event in the Houses of Parliament…

Read more
Schools Wellbeing Partnership Thumbnail
What do you know about yourself? | A blog from the Schools Wellbeing Partnership

Gail Precious, Programme Lead in the Wellbeing Team at the National Children's Bureau, marks Children's Mental Health Week with a…

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The Daily Mile News Story Thumbnail
Ivy learning Trust and Churchfield Primary leads way in supporting children's mental health

As part of Children’s Mental Health Week 2025, which aims to shine a light on and improve the mental health…

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Illustrated turquoise icon of a hand holding a phone with an email or message notification

Get in touch

If you've got a question about the week, any fundraising, or would like to let us know how you're taking part, get in touch with us!

Contact us