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Posters, flyers and more

You can help make a massive difference by simply spreading the word about the week. Our letter templates and promotional posters will help you shout about Children’s Mental Health Week from the rooftops.


Promote your planned activity for the week with our printable posters. 

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Download our posters (0.1mb)


Help to raise awareness of the week by printing and handing out these flyers.

pdf File Size (0.92 MB)
Download our flyer (1mb)

Pledge cards

Make a pledge, share it on social media, and show your commitment to improving children and young people’s mental health.

pdf File Size (0.14 MB)
Download our pledge cards (0.1mb)


Helpwch i rannu’r newyddion am Wythnos Iechyd Meddwl Plant. 

pdf File Size (0.16 MB)
Download our Welsh posters (0.1mb)

Cardiau addunedu printiadwy

Gwnewch adduned a dangos eich ymrwymiad i wella iechyd meddwl plant a phobl ifanc.

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Download (0.3mb)